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14th International conference on Glass Producing Machines and Seminar on Metals in Glass Producing Technologies took place on the ground of Technical University of Liberec. This traditional action was organised by Czech Glass Society together with Department of Glass Producing Machines and Robotics, Technical University Liberec. The conference was held on September 17, 2015.
We may ask ourselves a question. What are these conferences for? Today, in the time of computers we might think everything is possible to be found on internet, business might be solved by e-mail and our friends met on facebook or contacted thanks to an unlimited call tariff. But is it possible to find efficiently distant connections? Is it possible to discuss other topics then current problem this way? It is difficult to share the atmosphere of the moment via internet. It is also difficult to meet and discuss this way with other people from your brand producing different products. And it is very difficult to share the taste of the snack and coffee via internet. All of the mentioned is easily accessible during the conference. It is much easier to share information in personal contact. That is why the conference.
Why glass producing machines and metals in glass technologies? Glass products are currently considered as common and ordinary. However, it was not like that in the past. Glass was a privilege of rich and powerful people. Spreading of glass as ordinary material was caused by managing the technologies of melting and subsequent forming, cooling and processing. Key role was played by machines and devices. According to my information 97 to 99 % of the overall glass production was in Czech Republic made on automatic lines. This number would be similar for the EU. A production without automation and modern machines is nowadays not conceivable. Logical is also a usage of new materials, metals including.
Time goes on and it is necessary to think about the future. To consider what is modern now and which way the world of glass goes. The aim of the conference and seminar was to show current state of art in glass producing machines, technologies and to outline developmental trends. Equally important was the transfer of knowledge and experiences between conference participants. This was also realised during the non-formal meeting in Radniční sklípek in town hall of Liberec. There were 66 experts participating the conference, 6 of them were from abroad (Germany and Slovakia). The conference was opened by speech of Mr. Petr Beránek, foreman of Czech Glass Society, who highlighted the importance of such specialized conferences and thanked the organizers. Vice Dean Dr. Ivo Matoušek greeted participants in a name of a Dean of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and he shortly remembered the history of this conference.
It is possible to get the idea about conference content from Program.
Conference was supported by companies Sklopísek Střeleč and Nicolet CZ, which also presented in poster section. Organisers would also like to thank Preciosa foundation, who significantly supported the conference financially.
Conference and associate seminar were very positively evaluated by the participants. Atmosphere of both actions was friendly, the conference was on high technical standard and it fulfils its purpose. We may wish for more participants, but that is probably a question of long-term interest of experts from Czech Republic and from abroad. In any case it is visible, that this conference lives, also thanks to a long tradition and high technical standard of previous conferences. Conditions for another - XV. conference were set and it is planned for 2018.
Photos from the conference and seminar might be found in Photogallery.
Photos and program of 13th conference on Glass Producing Machines might be find here.
Photos and program of 12th conference on Glass Producing Machines might be find here.
Photos and program of 11th conference on Glass Producing Machines might be find here.